Inside Kyoto : Kiyomizu-Dera & Kyoto Tower

The past few months became busy with work and newborn baby, the plan of making story of our everyday destination got delayed. Eight months after the Kyoto Trip I suddenly missed the country, this made me decide to share exceptional tourist attractions in Kyoto while I can still reminisce it. We had three days in Kyoto, not enough to visit all famous places so I'd decided to prioritize nature. We unfortunately did not see shrines which are popular  movie site  such as Fushima Inari & Golden Pavilion.

Day 1: We started the day in the central area where the Kyoto Tower located as well as Kyoto Station, a major transportation hub. In my amazement of how big and modern this particular station, I can't help but wish that one day Philippines will prosper and be first class maybe not at all aspects but at least in modernization of infrastructure.
Kyoto Tower at night

Kyoto Station

Day 2: Whole day exploring Higashiyama-ku where one of more famous temples of Japan known as KIYOMEZU-DERA situated. Using google map we rode a bus that drop us in alley going up the hill. I still imagine the amazement I had during the time. Walking in a cold sunny weather carrying four months baby in my womb was a great experience. Deep inside I want to jump in joy, favorite country that right now out of my bucket list but still can not wait to visit again. I envied them for everything, their cleanliness, attitude, culture and the love for nature.  

The road leading to the temple was filled with shops & restaurant on both sides. Sightseeing along the way, you will love & enjoy every food display, decorations, ceramics and many more.

Lots of Rice Cake. Everything is neatly pack.

Php500.00 for fan?

What a beauty sight! Approximately Php205.00 per piece.

Pickled Cucumber

Excited for the big and round shape radish

When you reach the top, there the old temple lies, large verandas, tall pillars, pagodas and stage just over the hills. The stage where said to be 13m high off the ground, where most tourists enjoy the impressive sight of trees in different colors. Autumn is really one perfect season to travel this southern part of Japan. 

Crowded Alley going up the hill

Few steps behind going to the temple

The Stage
It is quite a sight to behold

The view while standing on the
stage veranda. Seeing this makes me...
#bringmeback hehe
Standing on the wooden floor of Kiyomezu
Perfect location to shot the temple.
The reality was we wait for a while
to get in this spot because of the
flock of tourists. 
It is believed that a visit to this place
will give an easy and safe child birth.
I am unaware of this upon visit but
 thankfully I had safe and just
a two hours of labor.
Otowa Waterfall
A nearby spring that create a small
waterfall. The water flow is divided into
three streams and, according to the legend,
each of these streams has the power
to fulfill a wish: one grants longevity,
one offers success at studies and
one grants good luck in love.
Similar in hats, socks, shoes and even
bags though different in color but all string
 bags as shown in the closer picture above.  

Another Pagoda

Nearby pond

Roaming around the place, we found ourselves in different food kiosks that sell their version of street food. All day walking made us hungry so before the trip to our accommodation we tried some of them.

Potato & Butter
Cuttle Fish
On Stick


Satay which is 250 pesos per stick!

After days of eating noodles & curry
we missed meat so we spent 500
pesos just for two stick
